Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Maestro (Goldsworthy, P.) essays
Maestro (Goldsworthy, P.) papers Maestro gives us that development is increased uniquely through affliction. Talk about. Subside Goldsworthys Maestro centers around the transitioning of Paul Crabbe, who gradually abandons his youth guiltlessness to enter the new universe of adulthood. His pathway to development is depicted through a progression of encounters, especially with an old Viennese music educator, Eduard Keller, or the Maestro. Close to the furthest limit of the novel, where Paul is in his mid-twenties, he thinks back on his change from a ruined, self-reveled youthful, to an increasingly humane and progressively educated grown-up. He understands, through his own affliction and Kellers impact, that his gifts are sufficiently bad to win him a vocation as a professional piano player. Pauls character changes all through the content. Toward the beginning Paul is defiled by pride and the possibility that he is extraordinary, practically immaculate even. This smugness does marvels to support his sense of self, as he predicts moment distinction and fortune will fall at his feet. At the point when he initially meets Keller, he goes about as though he knows it all, yet Keller derides him continually with so much remarks as, you most likely are aware such a great amount for your age...and so little, and wont yield to his shallow beliefs. Paul doesn't value it when the elderly person genuinely calls attention to his actual egotistical nature, yet in the long run stirs to his reality. With truth comes enduring, and enduring has an indispensable impact to Pauls development. For a considerable length of time, Keller has been doing whatever it takes not to anticipate excessively. He offers expressions of understanding and once asks him, what is the distinction among great and extraordinary musicians?. He answers himself with, Not much, only a bit. Clearly that little is sufficiently only to make Paul miss the mark regarding his fantasies he misses that last advance that would take him to the top, essentially on account of his pride. At long last he neglects to make melodic progress. ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Far From The Madding Crowd Essay Example For Students
A long way From The Madding Crowd Essay Robert Cormier is known for not taking a morraly shortsighted postition while reagarding the good and bad of the terroists and patriotes. This is appeared with Miro as Cormier regularly reminds the peruser that he is as yet human. He does this by at first relating him with antagonism as he feels outrage, dread, and dissatisfaction. This makes the peruser perseave him as wanton and with no thought toward others, as the main occasions he feels excitment is the point at which the activity and killings. His human side is protrayed as he interfaces with Kate, as he generally appears to leave her inclination anoyed having gained himself as his guards has been let down. These standard sentiments causes the peruser to feel stunned as their perseption of terroists are played with and turned. In any case, a sterio-average component of a terroist is reliability towards its pioneer; Miro never neglects to exhibit this towards Artkin all through the novel. Miro is continually watching out to dazzle Artkin, on the contary, Miro appears to question who Artkin truly is on events, for instance, in Chapter 10, Kate: Those two men who were with you are dead, the one you called Antibbe and the dark person. What's more, Artkin. Whos left? No one. Your siblings dead. Also, presently your dad. Miro:He saw her, alarmed. His breath, stale and rank, entered her mouth, her noses. My dad I don't get your meaning? Presently my dad? Kate: Artkin. He was your dad, wasnt he? Miro:Its impractical. Artkin his dad? He was unable to recognize that reality, on the off chance that it were truth. The develpoment that Cormier makes of the characters during the novel impacts the peruser in such away which causes them to feel brought into the characters progress instead of the plots progress. Definitely, this makes a profound association among them and the characters. I can conlcude that because of the Terroist circumstance within recent memory now, After the First Death, will in this manner hold more importance the cutting edge peruser. Be that as it may, Far From the Madding swarm, is significantly more complexed and refined at this point is meily tackle modern issues of the eighteenth centuary, which may interest the senior peruser, yet this relies upon an individual inclination. The writers of every novel have incorporated a geat involvment of characters; each containing a sterio-run of the mill angle to their characters utilized, which is a method empowering the peruser the identify with specific characteristics. Robert Cormier makes a more profound relationship and involment among peruser and character of the character. Thomas Hardy has a very srong and included account voice, dissimilar to Robert Cormier, who leaves the portrayal of occasions and thoughts through the improvement of the characers and the plot. The target group is clearly to be diverse as they are written in totally extraordinary centuarys. As I would like to think, After the principal Death bids to the more youthful age, as it has less mind boggling language and a more grounded kind of experience in the plot which advances to them. In examination, Far from the Madding swarm, offers to the more natural concerned characters, who appreciate the courtyside imagry. I for one feel that the two books are successul in fufilling their means to accomplish the kind of satisfaction planned audinces require.
Friday, August 14, 2020
How to Effectively Design and Facilitate a Morning Meeting
How to Effectively Design and Facilitate a Morning Meeting Veteran teacher Heather breaks down the process for how to set up and facilitate a morning meeting in your classroom. This teaching strategy is an effective way to build classroom community and set the tone for a good day. by Heather Aulisio The way a morning goes, in the life of an elementary student, can make or break his day. Not only does a good morning set the tone for the child, it paves the way for academic success. Students feel happier, focused, and cared for when their teacher and those that are around them, takes the time to have a morning meeting. These meetings build classroom community and help children to become empathetic, patient, and respectful to one another. If you’d like to learn more, read on to learn how to effectively design and facilitate a morning meeting for your elementary students. Set Up It’s best to introduce the concept of morning meeting to your students at the beginning of the school year. You can even do it on the very first day. You should designate one area in your room as the meeting spot. Many teachers choose to use a large, inviting area rug, off to the side of their room. If you have limited space, you can still have a morning meeting at students’ desks. Some teachers also find it helpful to post guidelines that need to be followed during morning meeting. Often times, especially in the beginning of the school year, students need reminders to listen intently and not speak over or interrupt their peers. It’s also helpful to have morning meeting near some kind of SmartBoard, white board, or portable dry erase board/easel. This allows you to post a quote, a direction, or even a picture to help spark your conversations. Facilitation Morning meetings are relatively short. They range from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. There are many different ways you can customize your morning meeting. Some veteran teachers feel the most successful steps include: Greeting You can give each student a high five or fist bump (they can choose) as they make their way into the morning meeting area. Teachers like to seat students in a circle so they can see one another when possible. Go around the room and greet each student by name (“Hello, Sam.â€) through speaking, songs, or echoing (so students can say hello too). Eye contact is extremely important. If you have a group that has persistent behavior issues, special needs, or a delicate home life, it’s important that you help them feel safe and special. Be sure to smile a lot, reassure them, and also invite students to share how they are feeling (happy, sad, nervous). These shares can help you better understand what they need throughout the day. Share If you take the time now to allow students to share what’s on their minds, you’ll notice you’ll have fewer interruptions during your lessons and more on task behaviors. Students are able to tell the class one thing (about their evening, their sports activity, their weekend plans, etc.) or pass (some students are shy and it takes them some time to warm up). You can even have a theme, like sharing their favorite ice cream, sport, or movie. Some teachers prefer to use this time to allow students to ask questions to one another based on what was shared, or provide a comment or positive feedback. This helps build respect and rapport with one another. Something to Think About Many veteran teachers like to post a quote on the board to give their students something to think about. Some other teachers prefer to post a cool fact, or a unique vocabulary word-it’s up to you. You can find things like this in our Daily Teach newsletter. You can also use this time to review a skill they’ve learned the day before (either together or by participating in a short activity-matching, unscrambling, trivia, etc). Morning Message Once you’ve greeted one another, shared something, and got their minds thinking, it’s a wonderful time to set the tone for the day. First, announce the date, cycle day, and weather. Then, using short bullet points quickly go through what students will learn and do in each subject. This is the root of the activity. Wrap It Up Finally, before beginning the day’s lesson, students are permitted to do a hands on activity with one another. Some teachers prefer students to dance and get energy out, others will do a short team building activity that requires group work to be successful. Additional Tips and Resources Remember, it can take some time to get morning message flowing. Students will learn that their time is limited and that they need to refine what they want or need to say. To help this along, you may want to have some kind of timer that they can see counting down, so they understand how long they get to speak (no more than 30 seconds per student). You may also want to begin the year with a speaking stick, wand, or ball that students can hold then it’s their turn to talk. This helps provide a physical reminder to other students that they shouldn’t be speaking if they aren’t holding anything. Some students will better understand the practice of morning message by seeing it first. Consider showing some video clips to help your kids see what the daily event looks like and how it can be run. The important thing to remember is that you need to be patient. Morning message can take some time to get rolling. It’s not going to go smoothly or perfectly at first. However, with some time, your students will have the routine down pat, and you’ll really start to notice joy, kindness, focus, and respect for themselves, one another, and you. Do you use Morning Meeting in your classroom? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Heather Aulisio is a third grade teacher in Pennsylvania. She has been a teacher for nearly 15 years and holds multiple degrees and certifications. A freelancer for The Mailbox and other education-related clients and publications, she enjoys writing in order to help and entertain fellow teachers. She currently resides with her husband, Bryan; son, Matthew; and two pugs, Lily and Leo.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Article Review On Being A Woman - 840 Words
On Being A Woman In The Technical Workplace By Prudence F Franklin | Submitted On March 07, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter 1 Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon 2 Share this article on Delicious 1 Share this article on Digg 2 Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Prudence F Franklin Do you worry that you have to give up your femininity in order to fit into the technical working world and be respected? Should you be one of the guys? If you do, will you get or lose respect? Or should you be the lady of the group, all feminine and motherly? My opinion is, you can be both feminine and assertive in your role without losing yourself. Many articles have been written about the dilemma of women in the workplace. Most conclude that women who are too aggressive and masculine might be successful to a certain degree, but ultimately be looked down on for being too masculine. These articles contend that women who are too aggressive and assertive might be given the B word label. On the flip side, they have also written about women who choose to be the mommy type, all feminine and motherly, remembering everyone s birthday and bringing cookies to the office. Neither of these types are given high ratings as they both conjure up negative stereotypes that don t fit well in a technical environment. YouShow MoreRelatedConflicting Paradigms On Gender And Sexuality1453 Words  | 6 Pages Professor Salerno SYG 1000 September 30th, 2016 Conflicting Paradigms on Gender and Sexuality in Rap Music: Review Introduction: The article I am researching and analyzing is â€Å"Conflicting Paradigms on Gender and Sexuality in Rap Music: A Systematic Review†written by Denise Herd. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Mistress - 1575 Words
1. Why does Charles Foster Kane force Susan Alexander to become an Opera Singer? Why is it so important to him? Kane’s friend Leland states that Kane always has something to prove it is also evident that throughout the movie Kane wants to be loved by the public; when Jim Gettys made it possible for the press to make public that Kane was having an affair the press called the mistress a â€Å"singer†as opposed to singer. Kane set out to make his lover Susan into an opera singer because this is to him the only way to recuperate from the scandal and to justify his relationship with Susan. Kane goes as far as to build a theater for Susan to perform in, Susan protested many times due to the bad reviews she was receiving, but Kane was hungry for public attention; Kane put his wife through various lessons and shows to make the public recognize his wife as a singer. We can also see that Kane might also enjoy his wife’s performances, as it is shown that often times he is left as the only person applauding Susan’s performances. The only way Kane was convinced to end Susan’s career was through her suicide attempt but even then he tried to convince her that she needs to fight for the approval of the people, which of course Susan declined. 2. Why did he collect the â€Å"loot of the world†? The â€Å"loot of the world†is in reference to Kane’s Private pleasure ground, Xanadu. Kane had Xanadu built after many failures and losses throughout his life, including, the death of his son, the loss of hisShow MoreRelated Gender Analysis of Anna and the King Essays1029 Words  | 5 PagesGender Analysis of Anna and the King If you are not the lead elephant, the scenery never changes. (Moonshee, Anna’s servant) One of the main issues in â€Å"Anna and the King†is the differences between men and women. 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Some of her other work includes: Once, Third Life of Grange Copeland, and In Love and Trouble. The Color Purple won Walker both the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. It also became a movie that received 11 Academy Award nominations and became a Broadway Musical. Walker explored her own feelings about the film when she wrote The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult. Summary Celie, a Southern black woman, is sold into a life of servitude
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Impact of Internet Thinking Free Essays
September 24, 2010 †¢ Volume 20, Issue 33| Is the Web changing the way we think? | | By Alan Greenblatt OverviewRecently at lunch, Eric Wohlschlegel announced, â€Å"I have to take a BlackBerry pause. †Plenty of people interrupt social and business meetings to check messages on their mobile devices. There was a time just a few years ago, Wohlschlegel recalls, when his employer didn’t require him to have a BlackBerry. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Internet Thinking or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now, as a spokesman for the influential American Petroleum Institute, Wohlschlegel is expected to be in constant contact with the world at large, fielding some 200 work e-mails a day. He doesn’t have the option of tuning them out. But when circumstances forced him to, he had a hard time adjusting. His BlackBerry stopped working at just the same time that his home computer crashed, leaving him disconnected, and disoriented. â€Å"You always fantasize about that one day when you sit back and go golfing,†he says. â€Å"But then when you have a moment without being connected, you realize how significant it is and what you’re missing. †Meanwhile, Wohlschlegel kept checking the empty holster on his hip, out of habit.Many people describe feeling â€Å"phantom vibrations†signaling incoming messages after their smartphones have gone bust. People today are more connected than ever, visiting social-media sites, checking headlines on the Web and texting, e-mailing and instant-messaging. The Internet has become the focus of many people’s lives  the place where they socialize, shop, do their work and view and listen to entertainment. Mobile phones, with their instant-messaging, Web-surfing and online-shopping capabilities, can link people to the Internet and to each other at just about anytime, anywhere. Texting and IMing my friends gives me a constant feeling of comfort,†a student wrote. Some researchers worry the Internet might even be addictive like substances such as alcohol and tobacco. (AFP/Getty Images/Lakruwan Wanniarachchi) | â€Å"Texting and IMing my friends gives me a constant feeling of comfort,†a University of Maryland student wrote after being asked to refrain from using electronic media for a day. â€Å"When I did not have those two luxuries, I felt quite alone and secluded f rom my life. There’s no question that Americans are engaging more than ever with electronic media. According to a Ball State University study conducted last year, most Americans spent at least 8. 5 hours per day looking at screens  a television, computer monitor or mobile phone, and frequently two or three at once. Television viewing has not gone down in the Age of the Internet  but reading printed works has. Near-constant use of the Internet can not only be habit forming but also something that comes to be expected by others.Because text-messaging and Twitter allow people to respond instantly, friends may expect you to respond instantly. Noting that one teen in California had sent 300,000 texts in a month, William Powers writes in Hamlet’s BlackBerry, his 2010 book about the impact of technology on contemporary life, â€Å"The goal is no longer to be ‘in touch,’ but to erase the possibility of ever being out of touch. †Use of the Internet and handheld devices while driving can also be deadly, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood warned Sept. 21, calling for a crackdown on distracted driving.More than 5,000 deaths and nearly half a million accidents were caused last year by distracted driving, he said, citing National Highway Safety Administration figures. Automakers have supported bans on text-messaging and using handheld cell phones while driving, but they have introduced other distractions, he said. â€Å"In recent days and weeks, we’ve seen news stories about carmakers adding technology in vehicles that lets drivers update Facebook, surf the Web or do any number of other things instead of driving safely,†he said.Technology is also creating expectations that people will be available to work at virtually any time of the night or day. A Chicago police sergeant has filed a federal lawsuit, arguing that his availability during off hours via BlackBerry entitles him to overtime pa y. â€Å"Giving a workaholic a laptop is like giving an alcoholic a bottle of gin,†says E. Jeffrey Hill, a sociologist at Brigham Young University. â€Å"It enables just that kind of compulsive behavior. There’s now a serious debate going on within therapeutic circles about whether people can become addicted to the Internet in the way that they might become addicted to chemical substances. And there’s a broader debate taking place about whether the Internet is changing the way people think. Much of that debate has been triggered by journalist Nicholas Carr, author of the controversial 2008 Atlantic article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid? †He has since expanded his ideas into a book called The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains.Carr says the Internet is an unmatched tool for communications and information but argues that it can have bad effects on our brains. The Internet, he says, speaks to the parts of our brain that are attracted to movement, visual imagery and novelty  primitive parts of the brain that do not lend themselves to deep thought and contemplation. â€Å"There’s a whole realm of thought that I think is very important to the richness of our personal intellectual lives, and also very important to the building of culture, that requires an attentive mind,†Carr said. We don’t want to sit alone in a dark room thinking about one thing all day long, but neither do we want to be processing a constant influx of texts and messages and doing Google searches and clicking on links all day long. And yet, that is where I think as a society we’re headed. †The advent of each new communications medium launches a debate about whether it will help to democratize culture, or dumb it down. The question of whether popular taste is being ruined or cheapened has come up with many new forms of communication , including movies, television, paperback books, comic books, video games and blogs.Jonah Lehrer, the author of How We Decide, a book about the brain and decision-making, and a blogger for Wired, the technology publication, argues that Carr’s concerns are overstated. Sure, people need to put down their devices once in a while to allow themselves to daydream, he says, but he argues that the Internet provides far more than enough information to justify the distractions that come along with its use. | â€Å"There’s no doubt that we’ve come to depend on these tools radically in the last five to 10 years,†Lehrer says. When an iPhone gets dropped and smashed and we have to wait for it to be fixed  we’ve all had that anxiety. But I would frame that anxiety as a sign of how useful these tools are for us, not how they’re corrupting our Pliocene brain. †Some people have compared the Internet to an outboard brain or separate hard drive, capable of remembering far more than a human brain can  or needs to. â€Å"It’s no longer terribly efficient to use our brains to store information,†according to Peter Suderman, a writer for the American Scene, an online magazine. Rather than memorizin g information, we now store it digitally and just remember what we stored. †It may be that having to remember information such as friends’ phone numbers was just a â€Å"frozen accident†of history, something that we won’t miss, as New York University technology professor Clay Shirky writes. But Carr argues that the Internet makes it harder to remember anything, that the influx of competing messages interferes with the physical mechanics of the brain that move information into long-term memory. â€Å"Almost ertainly, downtime lets the brain go over experiences it’s had, solidify them and turn them into permanent long-term memories,†says Loren Frank, a psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco. When the brain is constantly stimulated, he said, â€Å"you prevent this learning process. †Carr cites studies that suggest that the Internet can change the way the brain acts. One, by Gary Small, a psychiatrist at the University of California, Los Angeles, and coauthor of the book iBrain: Surviving t he Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind, found that people’s brains changed in response to Internet use.Experienced Google users displayed different neurons on brain imaging scans than novices  but the novices’ brains reacted the same way after just a few days of limited Web surfing. â€Å"You can change the brain relatively quickly,†Small says. Small isn’t worried the Internet is â€Å"going to rot our brains. †But he does say it’s having profound effects on our lives that we’re only starting to grapple with. â€Å"It’s created a whole new age, or stage of human development,†Small says. â€Å"You think of the printing press or the development of agriculture,†he continues. This is up there, or even beyond it. †As people grapple with the idea that the Internet may be changing thought and behavior, here are some of the questions they’re debating:Does the Internet make us smarter? The Pew Internet amp; American Life Project put a variation of Nicholas Carr’s question  â€Å"Does Google make us stupid? † to hundreds of technology experts. A majority disagreed with Carr’s premise, but their ideas about how intelligence had been reshaped by the Internet ranged widely. Some felt that people were freed up from rote tasks such as memorization of facts.That could end up meaning that we have to redefine what we mean by intelligence, as machines take up a greater share of the tasks once left to the human mind. Some stated their belief that the Internet had helped create a â€Å"hive brain†that allows people to share thoughts and come to collective solutions to complex problems together. â€Å"There’s a pretty broad feeling among lots of technology users that these tools can serve their needs in new ways,†says Lee Rainie, who directs the Pew project. â€Å"You can gather up information quickly and easily, which might have taken you enormous amounts of time in an earlier age,†he says. At the same time, people will moan and groan about the distractions that these devices bring into their li ves. †No one disputes that the Internet has made much more information readily available to just about anyone. â€Å"It’s been a boon in that it gives access to all kinds of stuff that a crummy high-school library wouldn’t have even come close to having,†says Robert Thompson, a professor of popular culture at Syracuse University. But Thompson worries that the way Google filters information makes it potentially less useful, in certain respects.He jokes that good students will cite material from the third page of links that a Google search calls up, while bad students will not look past the first page. â€Å"The problem is that so much of the stuff that would really be a boon is not used, because it’s not on the first page of a Google search,†he says. The narrowing of information  necessary given the glut that’s now available  can cause problems even among serious researchers. Lehrer, the author of How We Decide, cites a stu dy indicating that since scientific papers have been widely available online, fewer of them are being cited. Even though we have access to all sorts of information, we seem to be citing the same texts,†Lehrer says. â€Å"The Internet allows us to filter our world, to cherry-pick our facts. It’s just human nature writ large. †David Levy, a professor at the University of Washington’s Information School, says that the rapid transmission and accumulation of knowledge made possible by technology is helpful, but he worries that information overload can have some ill effects. Namely, he’s concerned that the flood of information leaves people with no time to think. There’s another piece of the process of learning and growing and getting information further assimilated, and that’s the time for contemplation,†he says. â€Å"We’re just not allowing ourselves sufficiently the time to do deeper reflection. †Paul Saffo, managing director for Discern Analytics, a Silicon Valley forecasting firm, says there’s a case to be made that the Internet is helping to make individuals smarter. There have been studies showing that not just Web searches but also video games are good at stimulating and strengthening parts of the brain. Video games turn out to be amazing for the brain,†Lehrer says. â€Å"They’re like doing pushups for the brain. †But Saffo worries, too, that the Internet ethos of instant and ever-changing information can have its deleterious effects on society as a whole. â€Å"The collective impact of this technology causes more people to look at and concentrate on the immediate at the expense of the long-term,†he says. This effect of everyone concentrating solely on the moment can lead to catastrophic mistakes and have an ill effect on democracy, Saffo suggests. This is the dark side of the eternal present,†he says. â€Å"There’s no capacity to step back and frame things in different ways. Anyone who dares think long-term will be taken down. †In his Atlantic article and follow-up book The Shallows, Carr is careful to state that the Internet has been enormously beneficial in a number of ways. Critics of his book nevertheless contend that he has overstated the extent of the problems of concentration and deep thought created or exacerbated by technology. To the extent that people skim, get distracted or fail to think deeply about the words and images flitting across their screens  well, people have always found ways to avoid thinking too deeply. Long before Twitter, there were television sitcoms, Lehrer points out. And long before people could waste time playing Minesweeper and Scrabble online, there were plenty of games made out of cardboard and plastic. But Carr argues that the Internet is not simply a tool for distraction and time wasting. He says it affects how the brain processes information.In his book, Carr cites studies showing that people reading short stories with hyperlinks embedded in them retain a good deal less of the content than people who read them on the printed page, because the need to make decisions about whether to click on the links keeps them from concentrating on the text at hand. â€Å"Dozens of studies by psychologists, neurobiologists, educators and Web designers point to the same conclusion: When we go online, we enter an environment that promotes cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking and superficial learning,†Carr writes in The Shallows. It’s possible to think deeply while surfing the Net, just as it’s possible to think shallowly w hile reading a book,†Carr continues, â€Å"but that’s not the type of thinking that technology encourages and rewards. †Getting used to technological distraction can cause problems in social settings, suggests Small, the UCLA psychiatrist. â€Å"We have a generation of digital natives with very strong techno-skills and very strong neuro pathways for multitasking and experiencing partial continuous attention and other wonderful adaptive skills,†Small says. But they’re not developing the face-to-face human contact skills. †There isn’t strong data about this, Small says, but the idea that young people, especially, have more difficulty interacting with people in person when they are texting other people with near-constancy is evident all around us, he suggests. â€Å"The Internet’s not making us stupid or smarter  it’s changing the way we’re processing information,†Small says. â€Å"You cannot stop the technology train,†he adds. â€Å"It’s way out of the station, coming down the tracks. You have to adapt. †Does the Web shorten attention spans?Human beings have always had a hard time sitting alone and staying quietly focused. The Internet has made this problem worse for many. It’s become common for people to complain that they no longer seem able to concentrate on one thing for very long. Most participants in a 2003 San Jose State University study said that they were reading more online but had difficulty giving â€Å"sustained attention†to the material. â€Å"I find that my patience with really long documents is decreasing,†a study participant said. â€Å"I want to skip ahead to the end of long articles. There are millions, if not billions, of Web pages and tens of thousands of smartphone applications, or â€Å"apps. †On any given screen, demands for a user’s attention may come from text, audio, video, competing graphics and hyperlinks to yet more pages.Viewing a busy Web page may be interrupted by e-mail alerts and status updates from social-media sites. â€Å"I love the iPad,†said Nicholas Negroponte, founder of MIT’s Media Lab, â€Å"but my ability to read any long-form narrative has more or less disappeared, as I am constantly tempted to check e-mail, look up words or click through. Not everyone thinks the Internet and mobile devices are shortening their attention spans. A May New York Times/CBS News survey found that less than 30 percent of those under age 45 believed the use of such technology made it more difficult for them to focus, while fewer than 10 percent of older users agreed. â€Å"People who do need to focus find the time to focus,†says Tim O’Reilly, president of O’Reilly Media, a technology research firm. â€Å"There’s plenty of focused thinking going on. Even apparent distractions  getting pulled every which way by various stimuli  are not necessarily evidence that people are having a harder time paying attention, says Thompson, the professor of popular culture. â€Å"It’s a different kind of attention span than a Victorian gentleman sitting down with a leather-bound book for two hours,†he says. â€Å"When I look at an 8-year-old playing these complex video games with other people, I’m not sure what’s going on there, but it’s sure not a lack of attention span.They’re completely focused with all these multiple inputs. †| But a recent study showed that young children and college students who exceeded a two-hour-per-day limit on watching television and playing video games had a harder time paying attention in class. â€Å"In just one year, we would see attention problems in the classroom getting worse related to how much time kids are in front of television and video g ames,†said study coauthor Douglas Gentile, an associate professor of psychology at Iowa State University.And, Thompson concedes, playing video games and surfing the Net  a term that itself suggests skimming the surface  may lead only to facile thinking and not any great depth. To get at something valuable on the Web, often a user will have to dig through a great deal of extraneous material  a task from which many people are distracted by the constant possibility of interruption. And other media are coming to resemble Web pages. Magazine designs now include multiple fonts, myriad graphics and shorter stories than used to be the case.Television news channels have also reformatted their presentations, including more than one video presentation at a time, lots of graphics and scroll bars of texts  â€Å"a ton of competing information everywhere,†says Larry D. Rosen, a psychologist at California State University-Dominguez Hills and author of two books about young people’s use of technology. â€Å"Our attention span basically has diminished,†he says. â€Å"Our ability to focus on a task without switching to another task has diminished. It’s not an inherent change in the way we’re thinking.It’s a change in technology that forces us to change focus often. †But some studies suggest that the Internet may, in fact, be changing the way we’re thinking. â€Å"There is research that suggests the traits of attention deficit disorder are higher than they were a few years ago,†says Elias Aboujaoude, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stanford University. There’s not yet good data showing a causal effect, he points out, noting it’s possible that people who already had attention-span problems may be more drawn to technology. But there’s a lot of correlational research that, at any point in time, people who spend a lot of time online have shorter attention spans,†Aboujaoude says. The amount of distractions now available to people is taking its toll, Aboujaoude argues. â€Å"The price we pay for all this is that we live in a sound-bite culture now,†he says. â€Å"Anything that requires concentration, deliberation, pondering, deep, entrenched difficult thought, we don’t have the attention for. †It’s easy to make such claims and â€Å"to write scare stories about attention spans,†says Lehrer, the Wired blogger. But there’s value to the distractedness, too.Paying attention to a variety of things is a skill the Internet helps foster, Lehrer says. He compares it to the difference between walking for two miles through a busy city and walking through a quiet park. There’s a big supply of studies that walking through a city puts a â€Å"cognitive burden†on people because there are so many more things that compete for attention, he says. But there’s real value to being in cities, which afford people all kinds of interactions and access to more commerce and culture  much like a few of the benefits of the Internet. â€Å"The Internet is just like a city,†Lehrer says. It’s a trade-off, but in the end we’re willing to make the trade-off because it allows all sorts of new connections. †Are people addicted to the Internet? California entrepreneur Kord Campbell uses technology  a lot. Not only is he running an Internet startup company, but he plays video games, follows 1,100 people on Twitter and often falls asleep with a laptop or an iPhone cradled on his chest. He has a hard time putting his devices away, whether on family vacations or commuting by subway to San Francisco. He knows that one tunnel will cost him exactly 221 seconds of time online. Just before an important meeting is about to begin, Campbell can’t resist clicking on a link on Twitter to a story about a corpse. He finds himself annoyed that the article wasn’t interesting and gets distracted by a pop-up ad for jeans. â€Å"It’s some article about something somewhere,†he said. Campbell looks at so many screens so much that he sometimes misses important e-mails, makes costly mistakes in online stores, burns hamburgers on the grill and forgets to pick up his children. His difficulty with the concept of logging off may be extreme, but it’s not unusual. I have friends and relatives that carry BlackBerrys with them 24 hours a day, fully prepared to drop anything in their lives and work at a moment’s notice,†said Tim O’Leary, the head of a marketing firm. â€Å"I’m tethered to my laptop as if it were an oxygen machine I must cart around to keep me breathing. †| For Hilarie Cash, the problems people describe in trying to stay away from their computers and smartphones  such as poor nutrition, anxiety, irritability and the costs their habits impose on their relationships and work or schoolwork  are signs of â€Å"classic addiction. Cash runs a treatment center for Internet and video game addiction in Redmond, Wash. She notes that both China and South Korea have named Internet addiction as primary public-health concerns. It doesn’t matter, she says, whether people are addicted to pornography, games or simply the small thrill of getting a new message in their e-mail in-box. â€Å"If you’re Facebooking, you’re chatting, you’re doing something sexual that’s a lot of fun, then those reward pathways in the brain are lighting up and you’re in danger of getting addicted,†Cash says.The hit-and-miss nature of the Internet  with some websites being interesting, while ma ny are not  may make it an especially seductive medium. People talk about the â€Å"dopamine squirt,†the little bit of chemical excitement that occurs in the brain when something of interest pops up on the computer screen. Surfing the net or opening up e-mail, in this sense, is just like playing slot machines  you never know when you’re going to hit a winner, a state of uncertainty that leads sometimes to the strongest habits. That means that rather than reward an action every time it is performed, you reward it sometimes, but not in a predictable way,†said Tom Stafford, a lecturer in psychology at England’s University of Sheffield. â€Å"So with e-mail, usually when I check it there is nothing interesting, but every so often there’s something wonderful  an invite out, or maybe some juicy gossip  and I get a reward. †The standard diagnostic manual for mental disorders does not refer to excessive Internet use as an addiction. I like to save ‘addiction’ for obsessions that are rooted in a chemical basis,†such as drug and alcohol use, says John M. Staudenmaier, the editor of Technology and Culture. Many other technology expert s shy away from the term addiction, which they think is a term too lightly used in media accounts. Most people under the age of 20 may be clutching some kind of handheld device, says Syracuse University’s Thompson, but that has more to do with an expectation of availability to communicate at any given time than with a true compulsion.â€Å"We have to be careful not to slip into generational nostalgia about this,†he says. Someone from 1870 looking at us before the Internet would have thought our lives were insanely complicated  allowing movie theaters into our homes with television, with constant music in the background. †Rosen, the Cal State psychologist, says it’s not the amount of time you spend doing something that defines addiction, but its impact on other parts of your life. â€Å"If you can’t be on vacation and not check your e-mail, then it’s disrupting your family life,†he says. â€Å"If your wife is always complaining that she can’t get you off the computer to go to bed, then we’re talking about add iction. Others argue that, while people may spend excessive amounts of time browsing the Internet or texting, they can also spend too much time doing lots of other things. â€Å"If you applied these criteria to all kinds of behavior, it’s true about a lot of activities,†says Rainie, at the Pew Internet amp; American Life Project. â€Å"If you’re a passionate user, you lose sleep, it takes away from other parts of your life. †But kicking the Internet habit may take more than just a bit of self-discipline, says the University of Washington’s Levy.Just as doctors concerned with obesity talk about a â€Å"toxic food environment†in which it’s easy to make bad choices about food, the ubiquity of the Internet makes it especially hard for some people to shut it off. â€Å"The culture is making available and selling to us all kinds of things,†Levy says. â€Å"It would be a hell of a lot easier to exercise personal discipline if we weren’t constantly being exposed to things. †The term â€Å"addiction†itself may not be clinically accurate, suggests Aboujaoude, the Stanford psychiatr ist, but certainly there is something tempting for many people about Internet use. It’s only a matter of time before we isolate those parts of the brain that light up when we’re browsing or killing time on an app,†he says. For many observers, the question of whether people can truly be said to be addicted to the Internet is a matter of semantics. For millions of people, like California entrepreneur Campbell, it’s the first thing they turn to when they wake up and the last thing they do at night. â€Å"Call it addiction, call it human nature,†says Silicon Valley consultant Saffo. Samuel Johnson [the renowned 18th-century British author] observed that too often we go from anticipation to anticipation, and not from satisfaction to satisfaction. â€Å"The problem is, we have more and more media temptations. With ever more capable technologies comes a greater burden to choose wisely and well. †| About the Author | Alan Greenblatt is a freelance writer living in St. Louis. Currently, he writes about national and international news for NPR’s website. He has been a staff writer at Governing and Congressional Quarterly, where he won a National Press Club award for political journalism. How to cite Impact of Internet Thinking, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Marketing Strategy Development for Chipotle Grill - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMarketing Strategy Developmentfor Chipotle Mexican Grill. Answer: About the Organization Chipotle Mexican Grill commonly known as Chipotle was founded by Steve Ells in the year 1993, with a vision of providing fast food which does not taste like a fast food. Fast food is perceived as a cheap and unhealthy but the core value of Chipotle is to use high quality grade ingredients, prepared with expertise cooking techniques and served at their restaurant which provides an experience of fine dining. Since their inception, they have expanded all over Canada, France, Germany, UK and USA with around 3000 fast food chains. Their value statement focuses on Food with Integrity which shows their commitments towards preparing food without any artificial flavors and colors, everything is natural coming straight from the farms. They also focus on building and nurturing a long term relationship with their suppliers and Farmers. Apart from this, they also recognize their responsibility towards the fertility of the soil and maintaining healthy livestock (Chipotle, 2017). Chipotle belongs to the fast food industry and its biggest competitor is Panera Bread serving sandwiches and other fast food dishes (Oyedele, 2017). Chipotle always approached the market with the green marketing strategy ever since they have started. The reason for choosing their green marketing orientation approach is that fast food industry is flooded by cafes and restaurant who are involved in unhealthy cooking and serving practices. But Chipotle over the years have established them as a brand who believes in sustainability by maintaining healthy relations with their suppliers and serve all natural food. Their product offering includes Burrito, Salsa, and Carnitas etc. 5CS of the Organization Company: Chipotle has emerged as a fast food chain who serves food with integrity which means they make sure ingredients used are coming from the sources where no suppliers are exploited and the animals and soils are treated with respect. Their all natural campaign includes feeding the animals all vegetarian diet which is chemical free and giving them open space. Chipotle also suffer from food safety issues as the small farmers and suppliers who do not have sufficient resources and infrastructure to follow the safety norms. This questions their promise of providing healthy and safe fast food (Giammona Patton, 2015). Customers: The customers that are being targeted by chipotle are known as Millennials. This segment includes people of the age group of 23 to 36. Generally these segments are more inclined towards having fast food as an alternative to their meals in their working hours. The aim of Chipotle is to convince them to prefer quality over price. Their competitors such as McDonalds and Burger King are providing unhealthy eating options at very cheap prices. Chipotle wants them to switch to all natural fast food option (Jones, 2014). Collaborators: Chipotles suppliers are local farmers who are supporting them in their Food with integrity initiatives. Their 30 million pounds of ingredients used in their preparation are sourced from these local farmers. In order to provide help these farmers to comply with Chipotles food safety norms they are planning to invest $10 million (Chipotle, 2017). The cheese and sour cream are made up from Pasture-Raised Cows situated in the US (Chipotle, 2017). Beef are supplied from local farmers. Pigs are fed with a vegetarian and chemical free diet. They are not even fed up with antibiotics and hormones. They are treated with responsible manner. Competitors: Chipotle is facing some serious competition from Mexican Chain Qdoba. They have shifted the focus from fast casual look of Chipotle and are redesigning their stores by including mix and match seating and other aesthetic arrangements (Chamlee, 2016). Their another major competitor is Panera Bread who is another casual fast food chains serving fresh and chemical free natural food. Although they serve sandwiches and soups which are different from Chipotles Mexican serving. The stores presence of Panera Breads is more than the Chipotles. They have marked their presence in lower population market as compared to Chipotle. Context: Chipotle is often trapped into many legal obligations due to their food safety issues. They have to close down their many restaurants due to the spread of E. coli illness in the Northwest of USA and Norovirus which was associated with their restaurants in Boston. Both these disease are Food-borne illness and have attracted many criticism and legal issues (Acheson, 2015). Social issues faced by Chipotle are due to their menu options which are just limited to Mexican Cuisines. In some countries there may be need for a customized menu in according to the taste and preferences of that area or country. Collecting Information about the 5Cs Information about the customers: Chipotle obtains the customers personal information voluntary. They also use cookies to remember the personal information of the visitors who visit their websites. They also take the help of Google Analytics which help Chipotle to identify information about the gender, age, the interest and preference of the visitors (Chipotle, 2017). They have also launched a loyalty program after many food safety allegations hit the public image of the restaurant. The reward program focuses on the identifying the loyal customers and keep an eye on their purchases (Bomkamp, 2016). Another method for data collection is when customers order food and pay through mobile payment, Chipotle gets an opportunity to collect the data of the customers. Another Loyalty program offered customer free burritos on providing them with their necessary personal information and it also gave them an opportunity to learn about their preferences. Competitors Information: The competitors information can easily be analyzed with the help of industry reports and the competitors financial data present on their websites, helps Chipotle to collect the sales and revenue figures of the competitors. By conducting public polls, noting the feedbacks of customers on various social media sites and conducting customer rewards surveys can help to find out about the preferences of the customers. It helps them to know the gap between the services offered by the competitors against their services and what is the expectations and preference of the customers. Marketing research about the competitors help Chipotle to initiate discounts and attractive offers to woo customers and implement the necessary changes in their restaurants. Information about other external factors: Chipotle in order to operate in other country have to analyze the external environment of that country. This can only be possible by exploring and reading the local laws governing that area. There are countries which have specific requirement regarding labelling and packaging the goods of the product. There are certain regulation like Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 which was passed in California to regulate the labor conditions. When Chipotle has to enter into the potential market segment, a deep extensive research is conducted about the customers segment and other factors that may affect the working of the organization. Marketing intelligence help Chipotle to be updated about the latest changes occurring in the business context by analyzing daily information posted on online media, print media and other sources. Information about the Collaborators: The collaborators are individual who support the core function of the organization without actively taking part in it. The main collaborator of Chipotle is their local suppliers who provide them with raw ingredients for uninterrupted production. As mentioned above, Chipotle works with local farmers and suppliers to source natural raw material. They collect information in the local region of the farmers and suppliers present there and whether they are meeting their food and safety environment or not. They have certain requirement such as the animals should be pasture raised and they should not consume chemicals and other antibiotics. If the supplier meet their demand it creates a long term relationship with them. Developing Marketing strategy Potential Market Segment: Chipotle unlike the conventional fast food restaurants dont believe in providing unhealthy products at a cheaper price. Their menu offerings is certainly premium prices but they guarantee their Mexican food is all healthy and natural. The other potential segment available to them is organic food products. The reason for exploring this market segment is the potential risk of obesity and health issues associated with consuming fast food in Australia is continuously increasing. There are around 63% adults who are suffering from obesity and weight issues (AIHW, 2017). The market for healthy and chemical free products is continuously increasing due to the health awareness among the audience. Organic meals are often misunderstood as something associated with only green vegetable but that will not be the case. The menu of Chipotle is only limited Mexican but their organic food range will consist sandwiches, burgers, cold pressed juices etc. Their competitor Panera Bread which serves sandwiches can compete with Chipotles all organic and natural burger. According to the data, Australian Audience visit fast food chains 51.5 million time per month, which had contributed in deteriorating health conditions of the individual (Campbell, 2016). Value proposition: The value proposition of Chipotles organic food segment is the products will be organic and they will not only focus on local suppliers but also suppliers from some other country who can supply them organic grade products. The organic products requires individual to follow high food safety issues and resources which may or may not be available with the local farmers. Also like their food with integrity concept, the organic products will also follow the same value driven strategy of procuring ingredients for the preparation of organic food and final organic products will be fair trade marked, which means the customers will be ensured that the product they are buying has not been made up by exploiting the labor, animals and environment. This will help them to be responsible and accountable for the sustainable business practices and they actively participate in the long term growth of the organization (Foe, 2017). The new market segment is organic food products and it will includes products such as organic fast food menu, cold pressed juices and packed organic munch on snacks. The product offering is not definitely unique but it is special as no fast food chains like McDonalds and burger king have entered into this industry. Chipotle have the advantage of being a first mover in this market segment among the other competitors. Choice of the target market: The target market will be college going students and corporate individuals who do not have time to consumer healthy and tasty meal option. They will include individuals of the age group of 17 to 38. The value proposition of Chipotle is better than its competitor as they have taken a healthy food initiative along with following proper guidelines of food safety standards. The Chipotle should position their organic food market in such a way that it clearly convey the idea behind entering into the business segment which was well-being of the people of Australia. The idea behind creating a brand value or the product value is to take into account the social interest and not the commercial interest of the individuals. Brand Positioning Statement: Chipotles organic food servings is an initiative to maintain the well-being of individuals by offering them healthy and tasty food products all natural and organic. Chipotle have always lived by the ideology of never compromising on the quality of the food served. Their organic food will provide a reliable source to feed the Australian audience and staying committed as usual to the farmers, suppliers and consumer for serving the best interest of every group. Developing Marketing Tactics Product: The products which are being offered to the market is organic and all natural fast food and meal options. The unique selling proposition of this segment is apart from being into the competitive fast food industry, rather than launching new product fast food product flavor or variety, they have recognized the value of going healthy. Their one segment will focus on serving their patent Mexican options and on the other hand the organic food product will serve all variety of fast food but more healthier and no added chemicals and flavors which will compete against fast food giants such as Burger King and McDonalds (Bord Bia, 2014). Price: There are many reasons identified behind the growing popularity of fast food and the most common reason is cheap prices. But the cheap price tasty fast food often ends up being an expensive affair for an individuals health. The method of pricing that will be used in deciding the final price of the menu options will be cost plus pricing method. Chipotle is following a premium pricing method but as this product segment is new, the premium pricing will not be able to attract potential customer. In starting the profit percentage should be kept minimum and the prices should be competitive in comparison to the other fast food chains. Place: Chipotle have been a late comer when it came to opening new stores in areas who have small population. These areas have a lot of scope and no chance should be missed to create a niche in this segment as the area sixe is small so it is easy to create a strong and loyal customer base by analyzing the demands properly. The organic fast food services can also be provided into food vans which will stand at prominent locations of Australia so that it can reach to a larger audiences. Promotion: Chipotles new organic food segment has an added advantage as Chipotle is a very famous food giant and their new segment will get benefit of brand name. The aim of promotional activities is to make the potential customers aware about the new product being offered. The most common one being advertising on newspapers and health magazine. Providing discount coupons on purchase of something from the Chipotle stores can also pull customers to try out new product as well as their store sale will also increase. Involving into direct marketing is also an effective way to engage new customers. The last and the cost effective promotional activity is online marketing on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Short term sales promotion can also be used such as using Group on to provide special discount to visitors (Holtzhausen, 2010). People: People include counter staff, store staff and chefs who are responsible in preparing the meal. The staff should provide the customers with memorable customer service experience which motivate them to visit the stores again and spread the word of mouth among other people. The competitive advantage to the business can be given by training the staff in providing premium customer experience. The chef and other supporting staff responsible in delivering meals should be trained to follow proper hygiene in preparation of the customers order (Nestoroska Petrovska, 2014). Process: It involves delivering the product to the customer. It includes fulfilling the expectations of the customers in every order they place. This will ensure their next visit and a chance to retain a loyal customer. Physical Evidence: If the organic food is served in the restaurant, the ambience and seating arrangements should appeal the visitors. The packaging and preparation of the food product should be hygienic and healthy. The staff should neatly dressed and give personalized services to every customers (Business Queensland, 2017). References Acheson, D., 2015, Chipotle Is In Trouble Again, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. AIHW, 2017, Overweight and obesity, Retrieved from on 24 May 2017. Bomkamp, S., 2016, Chipotle launches loyalty program to get more customers and data, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Bord Bia, 2014, ORGANIC CONSUMER RESEARCH STUDY 2014, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Business Queensland, 2017, The 7 Ps of marketing, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Campbell, L., 2016, Shocking Statistics That Illustrate Australia's Obesity Problem, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Chamlee, V., 2016, With Chipotle Down and Out, Competitors See Opportunity, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Chipotle, 2017, Chipotles Privacy Policy, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Chipotle, 2017, Food with Integrity, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Chipotle, 2017, Local Grower initiative, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Chipotle, 2017, PASTURE-RAISED DAIRY, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Foe, 2017, The benefits of Fairtrade, Retrieved from on 24 May 2017 Giammona, C. Patton, L., 2015, Chipotle's Biggest Strength Is Suddenly Its Biggest Weakness, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Holtzhausen, T., 2010, CHAPTER 2: THE PROMOTIONAL MIX, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Jones, A., 2014, What Is Chipotle Mexican Grill? Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Nestoroska, I. Petrovska, I., 2014, STAFF TRAINING IN HOSPITALITY SECTOR AS BENEFIT FOR IMPROVED SERVICE QUALITY, Accessed from on 24 May 2017. Oyedele, A., 2017, Chipotle's biggest competitor is a sandwich-and-soup chain, Accessed from on 24 May 2017.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Baseball 2 Essay Research Paper HOW TO free essay sample
Baseball 2 Essay, Research Paper HOW TO Become A PROFESSIONAL BALL PLAYER There are many stairss to be done in order to be a pro baseball participant. You re stating to yourself, What are the odds of me going a pro. Well candidly, non really good. However, there are many stairss you can take to increase your opportunities. If luck falls in your corner, you merely might be one of the few who go onto that degree and go a star, recognized or non. To acquire anyplace in baseball, you must hold the impulse to desire to win. Without this, there is no point to even seek and do it someplace in baseball. Baseball is a athletics that takes a batch of assurance, forbearance, subject, and motive. Therefore, you need the urge interior of you to finish all of the undertakings set Forth for you. Make non worry though, if you feel that you do non hold what it takes to go a baseball player, you can ever work at constructing up this alleged impulse or take the easy, but tiring path out of this life, and merely set your baseball mitt and chiropteran in the cupboard, for good. We will write a custom essay sample on Baseball 2 Essay Research Paper HOW TO or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Or better yet, do non even seek and be a ball participant. The initial procedure begins when you are a kid. This is when you build up your cardinal accomplishments and see even if you like playing ball. It ever helps if you are a natural at this athletics, but if non, you are traveling to hold to pattern extra hard to acquire to the degree of being better than the participants environing you. Even if you are a natural, you must set in excess clip on the side and train to your soap at acquiring better physically and mentally. A good tip is to listen to all of your baseball managers throughout your clip playing ball. Even if what they say sounds like it will non assist you out at all, it likely will. They have been around a batch longer and have seen what works and what does non in relation to training participants. You should besides seek and travel to baseball cantonments. This overall can profit you really much. Besides all the practicing you need to make as a child, you should besides travel to many baseball games merely to watch and pick up tips from the pros, and even small league games. The more you watch, the more you learn. As you get older, you need to acquire more serious about playing ball. That means more preparation, weight lifting, watching pros, etc. The more attempt you put in, the better off you will be. The competition gets harder the older you are. In order to be better than everyone else, you must give all the dedication and clip you have towards baseball. At points in this period of your calling, you are traveling to desire to give up. All you need to make is merely stick in there and give it your best. This is besides the clip when you want your name to acquire about. The more people that know you, the easier it is to acquire lookouts to look at you. Try to set together videotape of you playing in patterns and games. That is one of the best ways to demo how athletic you are. When the tape is complete, direct it around to lookouts and coac Hes to seek and acquire a scholarship to a premier college. One of the cardinal people who can assist you at this point is your high school manager. Normally, they know a batch of people who can come and look at you in action at your high school games. Another of import factor you need to make to acquire a scholarship is to set together a portfolio of your baseball calling and your personal life. If you and your manager direct this out to colleges, it will besides increase your opportunity at acquiring a scholarship. If you do everything right and give it your best, you will stop up with a drive to college. In the instance that you can non draw a scholarship under your belt, do non worry. You can ever walk on to a college squad. The bad portion about that is you have to turn out to the manager that you are worthy of playing for their squad. This is really hard because you have to get down all over on turn outing people that you are a ball participant. The manager will normally review you really much harder because they will be taking a hazard on seting you on the squad. But if you prove to them that you can play, things become a small easier. You still have to play your best, but you re on the squad. Once you have made the college squad, for the following four old ages or nevertheless long you play, you must play to your full potency. This is the clip when the pro lookouts are looking at you and make up ones minding if they want to mention you to teams or non. They will be watching you whether you know it or non. Every individual great drama you make and every mistake you make, they know and they do non bury it. Your college calling is truly what decides if you become a pro or non. The better you do, the easier it is to go a pro. If you can turn out yourself, so you now have realized that you were meant to play ball. All the difficult work you have done has paid off. If you are non one of the lucky people to go the pro, so at least you know you gave it your best. There is truly nil you can make from at that place to go a pro. If you choose to still remain connected to the game, so you can ever seek and go a manager and learn other childs what you know. If you happen to be one of the lucky people who become a pro, so you have succeeded at your ultimate end. All you do from there is play ball and do a batch of money. Who knows, you might go a large star and be the greatest ball participant at that place of all time has been? It all affairs on how difficult you try. From reading this essay, you now know what it takes to go a pro baseball participant. Make non be confused by this essay though, words can merely state you what has to be done to be a pro. It is up to you to really go one. It is a batch harder than it sounds to be a pro, but it is possible. You have to larn the political relations of baseball and take the right waies to give you this calling. It all comes down to one inquiry ; Do you have what it takes to be a pro. No 1 can state you that answer. It is up to you to calculate it out. 31c
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Elephants of the Sea essays
Elephants of the Sea essays In the mid 1700s when the slaughter of whales began there were about 20,000 southern right whales migrating to Africas coast thats 7x as many as today. There are two eras in history when whales were hunted. One was called open-boat and the other was modern whaling. Open-boat was in the days of mody dick, these were big men in small boat with nothing but the wind to help them go after the whales. It was harder for them for not every whale that they killed they could retrieve the carcass, most of the time the carcass would sink. They would use the whales bones for such things as umbrellas. The whale oil was used in products as medicines, engine lubricants and oil lamps. Inside the whales intestines there was a smell of digested squid that was called Ambergris this smell was turned into perfume. By the 1880s ambergris was selling for $15 an ounce. In 1980 Modern whaling brought with it cannon firing, steam powered boats, and cables to hold on to the dead carcass making it easier and fas ter to kill. Once a whale was ambushed and harpoon their insides were exploded. By 1930 whalers have taken 31,000 humpbacks, 14,000 blue, 14,000 fins etc. this continue for 40 yrs. until there were barely any whales. Inshore whales were basically gone while nobody could tell how many offshore were left. Till this day counts of some species are unclear. The humpback, the most recognizable whale is increasing by 12%. They return every year to breeding grounds giving birth as often as once every 24 months. While the southern right whale is increasing at a 7% rate. The sperm whale are recovering too but the chances of seeing one still remains small. IWC (International whaling Commission) stopped whaling station worldwide in 1986. Whale watching brings in big bucks to help organization. Ships patrol the edges of South Africa where whales go to breed. ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Final Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Final - Research Paper Example Economists and social scholars have termed the crash of the financial markets in the United States of America as a self-serving failure on the part of the regulations of the government. There were lapses and loopholes in the fiscal regulation deposed and an unimplemented by the government contributed to the financial crush. At this point and level, it may be needless to stress on the effects and impact of the financial crash since the effects and extent of the crash was felt far and wide. It however did cost the country as a whole to revive the economy such as the banks being forced to give mortgages band loans to people without proper credit worthiness record (Hartmann, Straetmans & Vries, 2004). Analysts and economic observes have raised concerns and issues such to the direction that the extent of the negative effects and consequences of the financial meltdown could have been avoided if there were proper regulations on banks and micro-credit institutions which gave out mortgages. In order to pursue this research to its logical conclusion and end, it would be imperative to gauge the macro and fiscal regulations which would be introduced along government policies to control the effects of the crash. Thus, this paper will delve into the concept and issue of fiscal policies which would be introduced hand in hand with the remedial policies by the United States government to help caution and prevent the economy in going into another financial markets crash. In principle, there are sectors and areas which would prove beneficial to this study so as to arrive at informed inference and recommendation (Hodgson, 2009). They include the policy sectors, the bank regulatory authorities and the financial markets as a whole. Therefore this research and study will seek to explore means and avenues which will caution the economy of
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
COMMERCIAL AWARENESS AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS - Essay Example that professional ethics is a constant feature in the legal profession, modern legal practice has attracted renewed attention to how professional ethics applies to the profession. For example, while discourse on professional ethics in legal practice tended to focus more on sensational cases such as lawyers knowingly keeping a secret that is life-threatening, some modern scholars are advocating for an interpretive approach that focuses on ordinary cases. According to Markovits, using sensational cases to analyze or evaluate professional ethics in the legal practice is contrary to the principle that ‘great cases make bad laws’.1 The purpose of this paper is to assess the content and role of ethics in modern legal practice. Ethics is a broad topic. Even within the legal practice, the subject of ethics covers a wide range of issues and areas. There are volumes of books, articles, and publications on professional ethics as it applies to the legal practice. However, to understand the general content of ethics in the modern legal practice, it is important to focus narrowly on some of the most recent discourses on ethics. In this respect, the paper will focus on the Model Code developed and administered by the American Bar Association (ABA). Some of the main ethical issues contain the Model Code of client-lawyer relationship, professional integrity, and information management. It is worth noting that the Model Code has undergone various revisions to fit the modern legal practice because the original canons were specifically meant for the legal practice in the past.2 Under professional ethics for practicing lawyers, one of the fundamental principles is the need for a professional and confidential relationship between the lawyer and the client. Under this ethical principle, several issues are covered including confidentiality, fees, conflicts of interest, and professionalism. For instance, it would be considered unethical for a lawyer to engage with a client with whom
Monday, January 27, 2020
UK Precious and Non-ferrous Metals Market Size
UK Precious and Non-ferrous Metals Market Size BASIC PRECIOUS AND NON-FERROUS METALS IN UK – ANALYSIS Headlines Basic precious and non-ferrous metals market size in the UK contracted by 7% in 2013 due to decrease in aluminium, gold, silver, platinum and copper prices 51% increase in industry’s turnover was driven by the growing demand from automotive industry accounting for 14% of B2B purchases and aircraft and spacecraft industry accounting for 8% In 2013 a new Scrap Metal Dealers Act has been introduced implementing more effective licensing for scrap dealers and extending the ban for buying scrap for cash in order to decrease the level of metal theft Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production in the UK is expected to grow by marginal less than 1% over 2013-2019 due to growing volumes of precious metals and increasing prices of platinum and palladium Market Trends The basic precious and non-ferrous metals market in UK contracted by 7.3% in 2013 to  £12.9 billion. The market shrunk due to the declining global prices of basic metals including aluminium, copper and precious metals. Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers accounted for 14% of purchases in industry in 2013. The latter share experienced a 17% growth over 2013. In 2013 UK car production increased by 5% whereas sales grew by 10% respectively.[1] Higher vehicle production and increasing use of aluminium determined that aluminium accounted for the largest share – 32% of the UK market in 2013 totalling in  £4.1 billion. Its share increased by 22% over the year. Automotive industry gained from lower aluminium prices as it decreased by 8.7% to a US$1,847 per metric ton in the end of 2013[2]. Decline was experienced due to the surplus of global production as demand for aluminium in China and Eurozone has slowed down.[3] Market structure of metal ores has been changing permanently as demand of aluminium in UK automotive industry continued to increase. Automotive companies have been looking into ways to reduce CO2 emissions in order to comply with new EU standards. Aluminium is a solution to reduce vehicle weight and improve emissions. As a consequence in 2013 Land Rover announced construction of new plant for production of aluminium chassis that will cost GBP1.5 billion signalling new era for automotive industry raw material suppliers. Growing automotive industry in UK has positively affected the demand for platinum and palladiums as these precious metals are used in production of auto catalysts. The global price of the platinum declined by 10% due to the surplus in the market.[4] Palladium global price increased by 2% as palladium experienced a 7th year of deficit in the market.[5]Due to the improving economic performance in the UK and increasing customer trust, precious metals recorded a 36% drop in the value of its market size. Growing strength in equities decreased the demand for precious metals that has been viewed as a reliable substitute for the investment earlier.[6] Global price of gold bullion decreased by 26% to US$1,235 per troy ounce. The silver was no exception as the price fell by 36%[7] and reached US$19.6 an ounce.[8] Copper’s market size in UK dropped by 11% accounting for 15% of the total market size of the industry in 2013. Its value stood at  £1.9 billion. The fall was driven by the decline in international copper price that dropped to US$7,332 per metric ton in December 2013 recording a decline of 7.9%.[9] This was due to the slowdown in China’s economy and growing stocks of copper which reached their peak since 2003 in London’s Metal Exchange.[10] Aircraft and spacecraft industry accounted for 8% of the purchases in the industry after increase of 14%. The UK is the second largest civil aerospace sector in the world after the US exporting approximately 75% of its production.[11]Aerospace industry contributes 8% to the UK’s GDP on average. Therefore, in 2013 the Government announced a funding of  £2.1 billion towards saving over 100,000 workplaces in the aerospace sector boosting the aerospace industry and demand of metals generated by it.[12] In 2013 industry’s imports accounted for 86% of the UK’s basic precious and non-ferrous metals market. The value of imports grew by 26% and totalled to  £17.3 billion over the year. Precious metals accounted for 41% of imports and made largest share after a 51% growth over 2013. The main reason for growth was soaring 11 times higher exports of gold to Switzerland and China.[13] Production Trends Domestic production of basic and non-ferrous metals recorded a 51% growth over 2013 totalling to  £9.2 billion. Precious metals accounted for 44% of the turnover experiencing an astonishing 99% increase over the year. Aluminium also recorded a 30% growth in its turnover accounting for 18% of total industry’s turnover. Production of precious metals almost doubled and totalled to  £4 billion in 2013 due to the soaring exports of gold over 2013. In addition, the production was supported by growing automotive industry in UK and the world as platinum and palladium are used in production of auto catalysts. The growth of aluminium turnover was determined by increase in volume as prices of aluminium in global market declined by 8.7% in the end of 2013. The price decreased due to oversupply of aluminium as the demand growth in the main aluminium consumption markets, China and Eurozone, has slowed down. The increase was also driven by the growth of housing sector in the UK which in turn recorded an increase due to the government stimulus program and foreign investments. [14] UK’s metal recycling industry is the most advanced recycle segment in the country worth  £5.6 billion. Approximately 13 million tons of scrap metal is being processed annually[15]. In December, 2013 new Scrap Metal Dealers Act has been introduced replacing the one valid since 1964. According to it, more effective licensing for scrap dealers will be implemented and a ban to buy scrap for cash will be extended to decrease the level of metal thievery in the country.[16] Costs from mining of metal ore in the industry increased by 40% over 2013 reaching  £888 million. Costs grew due to surged demand of gold. Though electricity accounted for only 3% of the B2B costs in the industry, its share saw a 46% increase. As average price of electricity for industrial users grew by 4% over 2013, rise in costs was driven by higher quantity of metal refined. The average price grew by 6 cents (or 4 cents in real terms) accounting for 7.77 pence per kWh. From July to December the industrial price of electricity was the 4th highest in the EU15. [17] Labour costs accounted for a marginal 6% share of total costs in the industry after experiencing an increase of 17%. The increase was induced by the 12% increase in average annual wages in the industry as well as 5% increase in number of employees in 2013. Exports accounted for 85% of product output in 2013 and totalled to  £18.4 billion. It recorded an increase of 114%. The exports were concentrated with Switzerland being the main trade partner with 62% of total exports. The main reason for export growth was soaring 11 times higher exports of gold over 2013. [18] The main destination for gold was Switzerland where gold was exported to be re-melted and sold to consumers in Asia, namely China, India and UAE[19]. The industry of basic precious and nonferrous metals recorded a 126% increase in its profits which stood at  £537 million in 2013. The profitability stood at 6% of turnover. It was positively affected by increased gold exports. In addition, UK’s market players continued the reduction of their operational costs and improvement of competitiveness in the market through resource efficiency programmes and disinvestments in non-core businesses. Competitive Landscape The top 5 companies in the basic precious and non-ferrous metals industry accounted for 36% of total production in the UK in 2013. The leader was Johnson Matthey Plc – with 27% of production. The company was followed by other industry’s players accounting for a less significant share of production: Britannia Refined Metals Ltd (4%), VALE Europe Ltd (3%), Alcan Aluminum UK Ltd (1%), and KME Yorkshire Ltd (1%). Johnson Matthey Plc is a UK-based company that besides specialty in chemicals industry is engaged in recycling of precious metals, mainly platinum group. The company saw growth in all its divisions especially in department of emission control technologies as a new legislation to control emissions from heavy duty diesel vehicles has been introduced in Europe. Therefore, in 2013 the company expanded its production of diesel particulate filters in Royston, UK. Johnson Matthey Plc has also increased it manufacturing capacity of catalysts in Clitheroe, UK.[20] The company opened its new laboratory in Singapore as a part of strategy to expand its presence in Asia. As energy consumption increased by 6% over the financial year, by 2017 one of the company’s aims is to improve its resource efficiency. [21] Britannia Refined Metals Ltd, a subsidiary of Xstrata Plc, is a United Kingdom company engaged in lead and extensive range of lead alloys and silver production. Britannia Refined Metals Ltd facility is located 40 km east of London on the Thames estuary. Xstrata Plc completed the merger with Glencore International Plc in 2013. XstrataGlencore Plc future main projects are expected to be concentrated in segments of copper, nickel, zinc and lead thus providing the ability for volume growth in the upcoming years.[22] Vale Europe Ltd, a subsidiary of Vale SA, is a United Kingdom company engaged in the exploration and production of nickel in the United Kingdom. The company provides iron ores and pellets, copper, manganese, ferroalloys, aluminium, coal, fertilizers, cobalt, precious metals, and logistic services. In the United Kingdom Vale operates precious metals refinery in Acton, Greater London and nickel refinery in Clydach, Wales. In 2013 in order to improve its operations, the company started the partnership with geological research centre British Geological Survey.[23] In addition, as of 2013, the company announced plans to expand its operations in Brazil by adding 160,000 jobs and investing USD63.5 billion by 2016. Alcan Aluminum UK Ltd, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto PLC is a United Kingdom company, which is engaged in production of aluminium. Rio Tinto PLC operates smelters located in the United Kingdom in Lochaber and Lynemouth. The company was active in its global cost reductions through disinvestments therefore underlying earnings grew by US$ 392 million over 2013. However, recent proposals for warehousing rules from LME are expected to put a pressure on company’s regional earnings.[24] It has also informed about plans to invest C$14.8 million in a smelting site in Quebec, Canada in September, 2014. KME Yorkshire Ltd is engaged in manufacturing of various copper tubes like plain, plastics coated and special finish. The company has sold copper plumbing tubes manufacturing business in Liverpool, UK for  £18 million to Mueller Europe Ltd in February, 2014. After the deal, KME Yorkshire Ltd is expected to continue to handle all commercial activities of KME Group in UK.[25] Prospects Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production in the UK is anticipated to increase by less than 1% over the period of 2013-2019. The growth will be mainly driven by 1% increase in production of precious metals. Anticipated growth of platinum and palladium prices is expected to boost the industry further. Production of precious metals will decline by 14% in 2014 as mainly production of gold stabilizes after a surge. The industry will revert back to normal level after a gold bullion demand shock originated in China. The decline will be reassured by 2.5% in gold price, 19% silver and 12% decrease in platinum price. Vehicle production is expected to grow by 2.6% in 2014 due to increase in quantity. Consequently, demand of metals will increase with aluminium in the lead. Growth of aluminium demand will also be driven by tightening CO2 emission requirements and increasing demand of fuel efficient vehicles. Though, demand of fuel economy might slightly decline as fuel prices decline in second half of 2014 but regulations will still require a decline of emissions. Automotive industry will slightly boost precious metals segment as demand for platinum and palladium grows. Aircraft industry in UK is expected to decline by 2.6% in 2014 causing lower demand of aluminium. The increasing use of composites instead of aluminium in manufacture of airplanes will further deteriorate aluminium market causing a total of 10% decline in aluminium production in 2014 despite increasing demand from automotive industry [1] [2] France 272 [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] France 272 [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] p.9,29, 34 [18] [19] [20] [21] p.3,4,12,13 [22] p.198,46 [23] [24] [25]
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