Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Implementing Gun Safety On School Classrooms - 2429 Words
Samantha Russo Professor Sandoz Research Methods-Block 3 29 September 2014 Implementing Gun Safety in School Classrooms Nine year old Aaron Schmitt had been rummaging around in his dad’s closet and found a shiny new toy. He was enthralled with his find. As he felt the cold metal in his hand, he thought of the fun he could have playing a game of cops and robbers. Aaron spun the gun around in his hand wanting to show it to his friends. He knew he should ask for permission from his parents to take the gun but he figured his dad would never realize the gun was missing. He thought long and hard about what he was going to do and finally decided that he was going to take the gun to school and show it off. His decision made, he put the gun in his backpack to take to school the following morning. Significantly, gun play has increased over time, and students are not realizing what harm they can cause. Students have brought guns into schools before, both real and fake. Students who bring in fake guns usually are able to get off on a referral. A referral is an act of referring someone or something for cons ultation, review, or further action. When teaching gun safety to students most instructor’s goals are to teach children hierarchical skills. This means teaching them skills in order of ranks. Students have been caught bringing guns into school since the late 1800’s. In the last ten years more than 100 school shootings around the United States have occurred. The most recent shootingShow MoreRelatedHow Metal Detector s Effect Students Behavior Essay1282 Words  | 6 Pagesshow how metal detector’s effect students’ behavior in the school day and to show if the school benefits from having them. Students’ in many school districts across the nation go to schools with different demographics and environments that tend to effect the students’ throughout the school day. 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